Friday, August 24, 2012

Life must change

After a few months of up and downs I am back.

Here are a few catch ups and a few newies.

My laptop has been helped by Squeak, as in it wont log on any more. So its mobile or borrowed of current.

My health is frustrating. Multiple chemical sensitivity is going to be a long journey of finding how to get well and protect myself in our broken environment.

After migrain medication has not helped my specialist has taken me off it 6kg heavier.

The meds have contributed to my weight but I also havent looked after myself in the exercise department as I had been wallowing in my oh woe MCS me.

My eating and exercise habits have to change (enter Michelle Bridges 12WBT).

I have signed up for the next round of the 12 week body transformation challenge. I know some friends have done this current round with great results.

I am looking for a lifestyle chance not a quick fix. So Monday 27 August marks day one of my next twelve weeks of the rest of my life.

I will document the twelve week changelle and review the program here as well as other bits of life that creep in too.

Looking forward to hearing all my lovely dedicated followers cheer me on and hoping to make some new friends along the way.

here is more info on the 12 week body transformation program. You can also find it on Facebook and twitter too.

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